Top Benefits of an Obituary
Just about everyone knows what an obituary is. You’ve probably seen plenty of them at the back portion of newspapers or even on funeral home websites. But have you stopped to ponder what the benefits of obituaries are? You can count on staff working at a provider of cremation services in Sterling Heights, MI to help you write one. You’ll need to include the full name of the deceased, the names of their direct family, their birth date, the date of their passing, their work history, their scholastic history, and more. Here’s a look at some of the benefits of obituaries.
Honor Your Loved One’s Memory
The most important reason to write an obituary is to honor the memory of a deceased loved one. No one’s passing should be met with silence or indifference. An obituary is a short writeup that ensures that your loved one’s death does not go unnoticed. You won’t have a lot of space to work with if the obituary is published in a newspaper. But you’ll have more flexibility in terms of length if it’s posted on a funeral home website. The reason for this is, of course, that the space limitations applicable to a newspaper don’t apply to the internet.
Announce the News to People in the Community
An obituary also provides a way to let the local community know about the death in your family. The people in the community have a right to know that a fellow resident has passed away. Community members will get to find out the specifics about the final service, memorial service, or celebration of life service.
Cathartic Experience
The very act of writing up an obituary will be a healing experience for you and your family. While you develop the obituary, you will focus on what they mean to family and friends, how they made the lives of others better, and what contributions they made to the community. It will be encouraging as you think about what made your deceased relative truly special. If working on the obituary with other family members, then the benefits will be multiplied as you and yours take a trip down memory lane.
Do you need to find a provider of cremation services in Sterling Heights, MI – one that you can count on? We’re here to help you in your time of need. And if you need help writing a meaningful obituary, you can bet that we’ll be able to help you with that as well. We have experience helping people with their funeral services and cremation services planning and pre-planning. Our goal is to treat our customers the way we’d like to be treated if our roles were reversed. You can count on us to provide the final services packages you need and the customer service you expect. You don’t want to trust just any service provider for the help you need. Trust the experts. You can get in touch with us by phone, in person, or online at We’re here for you when you need us.